Tutorial: Introducing IEEE 1800.2 – The Next Step for UVM

Presented at DVCon U.S. 2017 on February 27, 2017
By all measures, UVM is the most successful verification standard ever created in the EDA community. And that’s no boast. From inception to today, it has swept through project teams worldwide which makes it ready for the next step with the IEEE. The IEEE 1800 committee is completing the work on UVM as the 1800.2 standard. This rigorous review of the Accellera work has resulted in some changes that improve UVM as a standard for interoperability. The tutorial focuses on those changes and how you can prepare for the IEEE standard today. As we review these changes, we also examine the impact it will have on your existing verification environments including how to debug and regold those environments improving your ability to share verification IP among globalized teams.
The tutorial also explores an application of UVM for RTL designers. SystemVerilog is the language of choice for design verification (DV) teams, and UVM is the de-facto approach. Yet RTL designers often find it hard to use for their simple release hand-off checks or parallel verification without support from DV engineers. In this context, register interface and clock/reset-controller are the first modules to be built in any DUT and hence need a quick and easy way for the designer to build a test-bench platform to jump start design verification. The approach is to automate the generation and integration of a UVM-based test-bench through macros and APIs. Early clock, reset, and register interface verification is accomplished and the reusability for other cores/DUTs could be achieved by changing the adapter sequence/interface for the corresponding configuration bus protocol. The testbench can also eventually be integrated into full DV environment and thus reduce the DV environment development and bring-up effort.
The tutorial is split into four sections:
- Part 1: Part 1: Introduction to UVM
Thomas Alsop, Intel
(00:00) - Part 2: Changes from Accellera UVM, Additions & Clarifications
Srivatsa Vasudevan, Synopsys
(21:13) - Part 3: TLM and Register Update for IEEE 1800.2
Mark Glasser, NVIDIA
(56:16) - Part 4: UVM for RTL Designers
Srinivasan Venkataramanan, VerifWorks; Krishna Thottempudi, Qualcomm